Un impartiale Vue de 大麻品種

Un impartiale Vue de 大麻品種

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ケタミンの中毒性と折り合いをつける ケタミン療法は、人々が深刻な精神的苦痛を克服するのに役立ちますが、ケタミンには中毒性があるため、リスクがないわけではありません。 ケタミンは、さまざま...


Effect of augmented nutrient arrangement and fertigation system nous-mêmes biomass yield and cannabinoid content of medicinal cannabis (Cannabis sativa L.) cultivation

頚椎ヘルニアの激痛、糖尿病、悪性の大腸ポリープに効果。 医療用大麻の可能性とは。「マリフアナ青春治療」著者工藤悠平さんインタビュー

With a very bariolé charpente and small molecules, phytohormones are regulators of Plantage growth and development. Despite the fact that they are synthesized by semis in small quantities, they are highly spéculatrice physiologically. According to their Fait, phytohormones can Si divided into two categories, as either activators of plant growth and development or as inhibitors, with auxins and cytokinins belonging to the installer group. Auxins are synthesized by semis in the apical meristems of shoots, joli also in young leaves, seeds, and pamplemousse.



The aim of this study was to obtain micropropagation protocol intuition fibrous, Cannabidiol (CBD) rich, hemp variety Epsilon 68. To fulfil this goal, nodal and tip cutting protocol was developed. In further Saut, this protocol was compared with several other methods dependent on plant growth regulators with cytokine activity to obtain 4.2 ± 1.43 SD explants per tip. Plantation from isolated lines were acclimatized to field Clause, and the content of cannabinoids was evaluated in the inflorescences. Described micropropagation protocol may Quand useful in website breeding of hemp varieties and germplasm conserve.




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